Saturday, October 29, 2005


其實寫作對於我來說是種困難, 自小中英文都學得不好, 書寫中文時,我會出現很多错別字, 寫得小, 常常連一些簡單的字也記不起怎麼寫, 學打中文, 連筆劃也弄不清楚,Blog 這兩行字, 用速成也要成粒鍾, 唉........!
哈哈, 拍個照容易得多

Sunday, October 23, 2005

當自覺是一隻烏鴉時, 鏡中看見的卻是一隻白鴒
當自覺是一隻白鴒時, 鏡中看見的卻是一隻孔雀
當自覺是一隻孔雀時, 鏡中看見的卻是一隻烏鴉
不如做隻快樂的小鳥, 任意的在天空中飛翔, 讓愛看你的人開心, 你自己也因他們的歡愉而開心

Monday, October 17, 2005


正在學打中文, 倉頡很難, 學學吓, 変了學速成, 呵呵!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The End of the Long Vacation

"mo mo liu liu" "walk walk stand stand" then 2 weeks gone!
"li li nur nur" "draw draw blog blog" then .................. !

Monday, October 03, 2005

Don't let the sun go down on me.

In the top of the Sunset Peak, but cannot wait for the sunset come, is tire or is afraid to see the sun go down on me.